new piccies
this is a photo i took of my uni room last term (it hasn't changed much since then)

and now some photos from fancy dress parties... a guy at the indie soc's halloween party dressed as a vampire, pete's mate who dressed as a woman for the same party, and someone who dressed as a rubiks cube for the law society's 1980s-dress social...

and now for some formal dress: these are photos from the freshers' ball (i can't believe how long ago it seems it was!)

here's a couple of photos from when i went to london and went sight-seeing while my brother was in a uni interview there:

here's a pic of the view from my window at uni (on a nice sunny day):

here's a small pic of a poster of led zeppelin that i've seen, i'd love to get it but i have no money or wall space!

and last but never, never least, here is a screenshot (or screencapture or screendump or whatever you call it) that i took from morrissey's excellent "who put the m in manchester?" DVD - a kind of behind-the-scenes moment in which he is drinking tea (i think?) while the stage is being set up for the gig...

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