stolen traffic cone
Surely the traffic cone is one of the most iconic of all the symbols (beer, "men at work" signs, pizza, "neighbours", etc.) of university undergraduate life?

Yes, last night i fulfilled ye olde stereotype of the student by going out to an indie gig, getting drunk, and dragging a traffic cone home. (read more about it here)
It's still sitting there in the corridor outside my room. We get flyers advertising stuff like club nights under our doors, and i put one of those in the top of the cone. I thought it was a good idea at the time. I suppose it wasn't that naughty to steal the cone, as it wasn't doing anything (warning people of any danger etc.)
Its new home is in a dark, dingy, Duryard corridor, far (well, only 5-10 minutes walk) from its previous location: stacked on top of another traffic cone, in the bitter January cold, outside Holland Hall.
More Duryard corridor greyness:

^ These photos turned out really bad because the lighting in our corridor is so poor - maybe the dullness gives a bad impression and visitors think it must be depressing to live in (the social life makes up for the grottiness though, and we liven the rooms and corridors up with accessories, and that includes nice, brightly-coloured traffic cones!) so it could be one of the reasons why they're going to knock down this hall this summer. Almost all of Duryard will be knocked down and rebuilt, although Moberly House is going to be kept, which i find a bit strange as it's in a slightly worse state than Jessie House (the one where i live, in the photos) which is being knocked down and replaced. My brother stayed in Moberly for a few days because he was on a Physics course during the summer (one of these things to encourage sixth-formers to carry on doing Physics), and he said it looked like a prison inside. (The other two main houses are said to be awful inside though - everyone seems to describe Hetherington House as "a shithole" - so i can see why they're being knocked down.)